When it comes to photography, I still consider myself an amateur, but I’m learning every time I take my camera out. However, I’m a firm believer that you also don’t need the highest quality gear to create some pretty bad ass photos. Especially with the way smart phones are developing, your best camera is the one right in your back pocket.

As for me, I’ve been using the same Sony Alpha a6000 that I bought from Best Buy in 2017, along with my iPhone 12 Pro Max. I’ve put some investment into lenses, but I was able to find second-hand lenses from people on Craigslist. I use my 30mm for portraits and it’s also my favorite lens to take food photos with. A 24-70mm lens is a great all-around lens for pretty much any occasion. Mine is a bit finicky because it’s a Canon lens that I have to use an adapter with, and the autofocus isn’t great, but I make it work.

Anyways, regardless of the gear, use what you can afford and don’t think that you have to splurge on gear right away to be a great photographer. Understand the basics first, do your research, and most importantly, practice and have fun!

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